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INT 67H (103)             Expanded Memory Support                   . DOS 4.0

     Supports LIM Expanded Memory.

     AH = 40h (64)        Get Memory Manager Status

        On entry:      AH         40H

        Returns:       AH         = 0 . Memory Manager installed, okay
                                      to use

     AH = 41h (65)        Get Page Frame Address

        On entry:      AH         41h

        Returns:       AH         = 0 . BX holds segment of expanded
                                      memory page frame

     AH = 42h (66)        Get Unallocated Page Count

        On entry:      AH         42h

        Returns:       DX         Number of pages installed
                       BX         Number of pages available

     AH = 43h (67)        Allocate Page(s)

        On entry:      AH         43h
                       BX         Number of pages to allocate

        Returns:       DX         Memory handle

     AH = 44h (68)        Map Handle Page

        On entry:      AH         44h
                       BX         Page to map (logical page)
                       AL         Page-frame page (physical page)

     AH = 45h (69)        Deallocate Page(s)

        On entry:      AH         45h
                       DX         Handle of page(s) to deallocate

     AH = 46h (70)        Get LIM Version

        On entry:      AH         46h

        Returns:       AL         xxxx0000 . major version number
                                  0000xxxx . minor version number


     INT 67H offers support for Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Manager
     Specification 4.0. The most common functions are shown above; all the
     functions supported (along with their LIM specification numbers) are
     shown below. The specification numbers match the ones in the LIM

     LIM Spec.  Function No. (in AH)    Means
     ---------  --------------------    ------------------------------
     1                  40h (64)        Get Status
     2                  41h (65)        Get page frame address
     3                  42h (66)        Get unallocated page count
     4                  43h (67)        Allocate page(s)
     5                  44h (68)        Map/unmap the handle page
     6                  45h (69)        Deallocate page(s)
     7                  46h (70)        Get LIM version
     8                  47h (71)        Save page map
     9                  48h (72)        Restore page map
     10                    -            Reserved
     11                    -            Reserved
     12                 4Bh (75)        Get EMM handle count
     13                 4Ch (76)        Get EMM handle pages
     14                 4Dh (77)        Get all EMM handle pages
     15                 4Eh (78)        Get or set page map
     16                 4Fh (79)        Get or set partial page map
     17                 50h (80)        Map/unmap multiple handle pages
     18                 51h (81)        Reallocate pages
     20                 53h (83)        Get/set handle name
     21                 54h (84)        Get handle directory
     22                 55h (85)        Alter page map and jump
     23                 56h (86)        Alter page map and call
     24                 57h (87)        Move/exchange memory region
     25                 58h (88)        Get mappable physical address array
     26                 59h (89)        Get expanded memory hardware config.
     27                 5AH (90)        Allocate new pages
     28                 5Bh (91)        Alternate page map register set
     29                 5Ch (92)        Prepare exp. memory for warm boot
     30                 5Dh (93)        Enable/disable operating system/
                                                environment functions

         Notes:       DOS 4.0 does not support LIM Spec. 19, Get/set
                      handle attributes.

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